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slurry pump bubble-containing medium is one factor in the formation of cavitation

Mixing the liquid bubbles forming reasons:
(A) in the slag when the slag is often hidden bubbles block the pores, easily mixed with the liquid, and with the liquid into the slurry pump.
(2) the impact of hydraulic fluid into the ash pond or pool when the material will cause the liquid to roll wrapped into bubbles.
(3) due to the installation of slurry pump installation for the intrusion, surface water level is too low, or the inhalation of ash pond too small suction position irrational reasons, resulting in the formation of the vortex and into the inlet gas.
(4) the suction pipe or slurry pump seal packing equipment parts Mifengbuyan, causing air to enter.
(5) generated after adding a foaming agent or special additives bubbles.

For the above reasons bubbles take effective solution, you can reduce or avoid gas cavitation.

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